07/Apr/2023 - OPEN Sn4 B+AN Latin -

Organizer: FEBD
Master of Ceremony: Fedrnadez, Jiordi  Spain 
Chairperson: Garcia, Marta  Spain 
Scrutineer(s): Di Lillo, Michele  Italy 
Lotito, Luigi  Italy 
M: Bigazzi, Gianita  Lesotho 
R: Romero, Roman  Spain 
U: Valera, Victor  Spain 
V: Garcia, Sandra  Spain 
Z: Giner, Juan Vicente  Spain 

Result of the Final
Rank No. Couple Country
1. 238 Amorabieta Buxade, Pere / Arroyo Fernández, Soledad La Garriga, CBE
2. 251 García López, Bertomeu / Alabau Romeu, Carmen Team Dynamik, CBE
3. 264 Puertas Gelonch, Xavier / Allepuz Capdevila, Emi Didance, CBE
4. 262 Pérez Cruzado, María Inés / Martín Mgica, Miguel Angel Dandi, CBE
5. 268 Soler Bonet, José / Such Martínez, Julia Fever Dance de Alicante, CBE
6. 240 Bernal Fernández, Juan José / Carrión Amorós, María Dolores Akiria, CBE

  1st round 2nd round Final
No. of couples danced 19 12 6
No. of couples set - - -

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