08/Apr/2023 - OPEN Sn2+Sn3 T2 Latin -
Skating tables

Rank in Dance Sum Rank
1 2 3
461Callejas Ferrero, Angel / Perez Porcel, Noemí 2.0 3.0 3.0 8.0 3
462Olivas Fernandez, Faustino / Llop Torres, Consuelo 3.0 2.0 2.0 7.0 2
467Pascual Molina, Carlos / Romagosa Casa~nas, Teresa 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1

Rule 10 (Number and sum of ranks in all dances) Rank
1. 1.-2. 1.-3.
461Callejas Ferrero, Angel / Perez Porcel, Noemí  
462Olivas Fernandez, Faustino / Llop Torres, Consuelo  
467Pascual Molina, Carlos / Romagosa Casa~nas, Teresa  

Rule 11 (Number and sum of marks of all judges in all dances) Rank
1. 1.-2. 1.-3.
461Callejas Ferrero, Angel / Perez Porcel, Noemí  
462Olivas Fernandez, Faustino / Llop Torres, Consuelo  
467Pascual Molina, Carlos / Romagosa Casa~nas, Teresa  

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